Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Humans fuck up. Quite often. As activists, many of us like to believe that we do better than most people. But we should all realize that’s often bullshit. And all of us (yes, even you) have gotten an inflated sense of infallibility due to social justice work.
This is bad. This sense makes it tougher to own our mistakes and makes it tougher for us to respond positively to criticism (especially upset criticism as marginalized people are not obligated to be saccharine sweet to fuckoffs who hurt them). We’re also often afraid to look bad. But the fact is, we’ve all done bad things. All of us. And if we don’t own that and work on it, we’ll all be bad, not just look bad.
So reblog with a description of the thing you fuck up on the most and why. Which marginalization axis do you need the most improvement in owning your privilege and the harm you do? Be it transmisogyny, transphobia, cissexism, fatphobia, classism, ableism, culturocentrism, religious hate (like Islamophobia), sexism, etc.
And if you’ve got a tie, mention them both or all three and why.
End it with, I’m Fallible.
<!— Snip — >
Cissexism, ableism, misandry, racism. I don't quite know which I'm worst at.

*Inhale, exhale in deep sigh.*

I'm fallible.

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